Sunday, April 3, 2011


Religion is our attempt to reconnect to our Source.  Just as it matters not to God if we are red, yellow, black or white, it matters not what religion we reach out to Him from. 
Every race and culture reflects an aspect of the Whole.  Every religion holds seeds of Truth that bring us closer to God.  That is the beauty of religion.  When we can accept and appreciate each other for who we are, we have peace.  Where religion twists into something that takes us further away from God is when we determine that our beliefs are the only right ones.  Human ego separates. God unifies.  We make it complicated, but it is really simple.  God is love.  Love is more powerful than anything we can dredge up. Open your eyes and delight in the beauty of diversity that God, in infinite love and mercy, has lavished on this world.  

All beliefs are simply degrees of clearness of vision. All are part of one ocean of truth. The more this is realized the easier is it to see the true relationship between all beliefs, and the wider does the vision of the one great ocean become. Limitations and boundaries are inevitable in human life; forms and conventions are natural and necessary; but they none the less separate humanity. It is the wise who can meet one another beyond these boundaries.

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