Monday, November 19, 2012

So Close I Can Feel It!

The good news resonates so deeply in me, I feel almost that I'll burst with the love/joy of it.  Everything will soon make sense.  Things will become the way I've always imagined they should be.  I'm not concerned about censoring myself.  Those who are ready will accept it with joy, and those who are not will dismiss it.  Here is today's message from SaLuSa.

"To think that after preparing yourselves over some years in readiness for Ascension, that time is virtually upon you. Suddenly what you have dreamt of has approached near enough for you to get a feel of what it is like to experience the higher energies.
Once experienced it is never forgotten as it is an ecstatic feeling of utter joy and happiness, peace and contentment. Imagine being in that state of bliss as normal from one day to another and free of the lower emotions. It is your true way of living and why those of you who are ready will move out of duality. Some of you have always felt that something was missing from your lives, and now you have found out what it is.
We realise that these changes are creeping up on people that still have no idea what is coming. They may still suddenly awaken as the energies are causing a stirring within, and a new level of consciousness. The question is whether they are able to throw off the lower energies that will otherwise impede their progress.
For some the transition is asking too much because they have become reliant upon them in their everyday life. It is not easy to convey the advantages gained by lifting yourselves up, and yet they will always be remembered. Words are sometimes inadequate to describe life when it is based upon the harmony and balance that the higher energies bring to you. It is all bound together by what you call “love” which permeates the whole Universe, and in essence it is all there is.
Little by little we have conveyed to you what it will be like when you take your place in the higher dimensions. It is a totally different quality of life that is so much better than what you are experiencing now. So much so that you will wonder how you managed to survive in such a low vibration.
It is all credit to your resilience and determination to overcome the obstacles that have confronted you. The problem has been that you were led to believe that what you experienced was a perfectly normal life, and the opportunity to improve it was denied you. The dark cabal kept you in a permanent state of need, and were thus able to keep you enslaved and reliant upon them for all things. However, with your constantly growing levels of consciousness, you woke up to how you were being exploited and fought for your freedom.
In a relatively short time compared to how long you have been in duality, you found your voice and determination to claim back your sovereignty. Naturally you have had immense support from the other side of the veil, but you attracted it by your positive approach to the task ahead. Plus the fact that the plan for your upliftment was already in place.
At different times so many civilisations from the Galactic Federation of Light have come to your aid, particularly in the last 100 years. Although you were destined to succeed, the manner in which you did so was entirely up to you. In fact, you have done so well you have lessened the impact of what would otherwise have been a very traumatic year.
Many predictions have fallen by the wayside because you have raised the vibrations to a point where they have become unnecessary. In a year when there could well have been so much more seismic activity, it has not been exceptional at all.
You are Galactic Beings in the making and will soon live your lives as we do, with all the creature comforts that you could possibly need. At present you spend so much time travelling around, and it is a wonder you ever get anything done. That is an important area that we are already equipped to deal with. Changes cannot occur overnight, but getting you mobile is a priority so that you experience a much more easy life.
There are modes of advanced transport that will cover your different needs, from your daily personal trips to craft that can leave Earth for other planets. Eventually you will have a computerised system that operates totally automatically and is driverless for your land travels. Needless to say, they will be totally pollution free and operate on free energy.
Many free energy innovations already exist on Earth, but their development has been prevented to support and maintain the Corporations that would be affected by them. However, you cannot stop progress indefinitely and you will be quickly moved into the New Age.
You will find that gradually you will have so much more time to yourself, for your leisure pursuits and other interests. Work such as you know it now will not be so demanding and so much will operate with little manpower because of the higher technologies. Entertainment will be quite different and no longer focus upon games or films that glorify war and such negative actions. The higher dimensions are no place for anything that has a low vibration.
You will have plenty of excitement and satisfaction exploring your Solar System and learning more about your Earth. Moving backwards and forwards in time will also provide much of interest, particularly to those who love history and archaeology.
Every trip out into the Universe will be an adventure, so you will not lack for opportunities to expand your knowledge. Your spiritual growth will not be neglected, but it will be much slower than at present when you are still in duality.
By our reckoning you are Warriors of Light who have won a great victory over the dark Ones, after having your earlier unpleasant experiences with the demise of Lemuria and Atlantis. Lessons have been well learnt in situations that have been very testing and hard to bear. That is all but over now, and Mother Earth is preparing to Ascend with you so that you experience the wonderful new Earth she is to be.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and just one of many who have been closely following your progress over many, many years. Now you are so near to Ascension we too are becoming quite excited. Your patience has been wonderful in spite of the delays, and you are nearly at the end of your long wait. We love you for what you are, as Divine Beings expressing your true selves through your Light and Love."
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey

Thursday, August 2, 2012


I have continued as sponge-jayne, hungrily absorbing resonating information, yet not motivated to expound.  What I realize is that most of the channeled messages eloquently express my own deep knowing.  In a real way, they speak for me.  I'm so grateful for them.  3-D life is increasingly uncomfortable, as most people are still immersed in the old reality- not hearing or seeing.  The most exciting event in human history is transpiring, and they haven't a clue!  My spirit wants to scream, roar and explode in a million sparkles to wake them up, but I realize that won't produce the desired effect, so I keep still.  I run home to feed hungrily on the newest message from my star family.  I breath.

Actually, all of my friends are at various stages of awakening as well, and it's wonderful to hear their stories, compare notes, and encourage each other along.  Everyone feels it coming, consciously or not.  This Seeker often feels the strain of 'almost-but-not-yet', and it can feel like a crazy roller-coaster ride, but mostly I am happy to be here at this time.

Matthew confirms my sense that Disclosure is needed soon:

And Graham has fun planning his new higher-dimensional home:

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Life on New Earth
I wanted to return to the Starship, but then I realized that what I want to do is not as important as what I came to do. I came to be among the Ones who came to assist in creating New Earth. And exactly how do we create New Earth? I don’t know. The Arcturians say I don’t know because we haven’t created it yet. On the other hand, I am aware that there is a Cosmic Plan that has been in place from before time that includes not only our small planet but much of this quadrant of space.
I also know that we entered the reality of physical Earth to learn about free will. The fulfillment of why we chose to log in to a reality is what allows us to log out of a reality. In this particular reality of third dimensional Earth, we entered to experience the intense separation of an extremely polarized reality. Thus, the fulfillment of the polarization and separation can only occur by returning to our total Unity of the ONE.
Therefore, I am pretty sure that in order to consciously engage in the stellar event of personal/planetary ascension, we must do it as ONE Being. I doubt that it is so easy as waking up one morning and all our habits of competition, comparison, individuality and fear-based thoughts and emotions are instantly dissolved from our consciousness. If I am wrong, and we do suddenly awaken to a totally new reality, I willingly accept that reality!  However, we are not just this life. Therefore, the transition may be more complex.
We chose to take a body on this planet within this NOW of planetary ascension. We have practised this ascension event for myriad incarnations, and now the Dress Rehearsals are over. It is Show Time!  Can we remember our part and the role we chose to play?  Now, I have to weave my part of the tapestry of Ascension and somehow connect it to the ONE of New Earth.
With all my and years of “work” to find the Truth, all I know is what I don’t know.  I don’t know how to cross that invisible border into New Earth. I don’t know how to surrender to that which I can’t perceive. Therefore, I will have to resort to my imagination again. My dear imagination, the thing that made me look crazy and kept me sane. I am stepping into the great UNKNOWN, knowing that I am already there. Maybe, if I start with already being on New Earth, I can remember/create how I got there. Yes, I do KNOW that I am already on New Earth. In fact, I am confident that I have never left it.
 I am willing to enter into this unknown and to share my journey with as many as are interested. I hope that I can blaze a trail that answers our many unasked questions. However, that is not important. What I give or receive from this journey is of no consequence as I journey into the Oneness of We.

Therefore, I will see us in New Earth…

Friday, May 25, 2012

The ascension process is not all joy and bliss.  The paradigm shift I am going through is baffling, dizzying, confusing and exhausting.  A bit of a distraction from this 3-D reality.  Actually, I'm feeling right now that it's a kill-joy.  What does any of this that I busy myself with every day matter any more, now that I begin to understand what's really happening?  I don't have the heart right now to list all the discrepancies.  Again, I resort to links along the web to Truth.

Dr Steven Greer, warrior for truth:

Pane Andov about the cosmic wave:!

and David Wilcock, the information from another source:

The search for Truth requires continuing research to test the reliability of the sources, compare them, and exercise the discernment of my own heart and mind to connect the pieces of the cosmic puzzle.  It's trippy, and it looks like it's just gonna get trippier!  But once down the rabbit hole, there is no going back.

Monday, May 21, 2012

I am actively transforming and becoming!  I know that blogging will be an element of my gift to others, but I am still sorting things out, absorbing like a sponge and discerning the truth, my true nature and my roll.   I will begin writing again, one blog, with a clarified mission and focus.  Don't worry- I won't wait till I have it all figured out, because I realize I will always be in process.  What a fascinating journey!

Meanwhile, here's a share from another that resonates with me:

A note on ‘Thy will be done’

When you say the words "Thy will be done" you are equally saying, "May my highest will be done." There is no difference. Your highest will and God's will are one. God's plan for your life is your highest will for your life. Trust, peace of mind, love, passion and joy result from having faith in God's plan for your life.

When you’re being an expression of your highest will you become a clear conduit of God’s expression on this planet. Allow Him to flow through you. It is only by allowing this that His full expression can be experienced. When you allow God to flow through you, this is your natural flow, and when you remember your natural flow, you will want no other way. When you allow God to flow through you, peace, love, passion and joy extend through you and into the world. Forgiveness and love are offered immediately with the knowledge that what you offer your brother and sister you will experience yourself. My brother and sister, lead by example, allow your brothers and sisters to recall the truth in them by seeing it being expressed through you. There is no greater gift you can offer them and this planet then becoming the physical manifestation and presentation of peace, love, passion and joy.

In every moment, you have been gifted with the free will to act and react as you will. When you have bought into the ego’s programing, you feel stuck and react to the world with worry, conflict, stress, chaos and confusion. When you’re fulfilling your highest will, you react to everyone and everything with trust, peace of mind, love and joy. Every moment, regardless of its manifestation, allows you the opportunity to begin anew. The knowledge that you have the power to react to any circumstance, any time, and in any way you desire, is the beginning of understanding the absolute power of free will.

You have the absolute power and free will to perceive every situation in the light you wish to see it. The light in which you view your experience is simply a reflection of the light you are currently supporting and allowing to shine within your mind. Your light is unlimited, and may only be limited by your free will, your choice to do so. When you allow God’s expression through you, when you allow your natural flow, everyone and everything will bathe in your unlimited and all-embracing light.

God has gifted you free will to show you where you are within your mind. He has gifted you the opportunity to participate in this physical environment, so that you can physically see, feel and experience the thoughts/light that you are supporting within you mind. This world is simply a mirror of your mind. Every day of your life, you can choose to live in heaven or hell. And every day of your life, knowingly or not, you make that choice.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

I just wanted to offer a personal note of gratitude to all who read this material, ‘like’ the message, and take the time to comment and share it. Thank you to all of you for being examples and reminders of light. May we all together help the world breathe a little more peacefully today.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Where Is My Passion?

Yearning Truth 04/23/2012
"All True Devotees of God share the Same urgency and moment to moment devotion to God Realization as a person drowning devotes all (conscious attention) to getting air.  Many like to call their self spiritual, claim to be 'saved', and living right, but their desire to Know God is weak and subject to the current winds of ego (personal  self - 'me'). God is so abstract to most people that beliefs and dogma are all the God they have/worship.

These kinds of mentalities are on fire with God, they are ready to judge others, they seek to convert the masses, but their hearts are darkened, their flesh is void of the Holy Fire, and their spiritual life/practice is more concerned with saving/enlightening their self rather than Giving that self over to be Consumed by God’s Holy Light/Presence. Furthermore, most people are consciously dominated and distracted by technology and entertainment, even so called ‘spiritual’ people, and church going people. Their minds are more in tune with their ‘iPhone’ than with God’s Holy Heart~Fire Presence.

A person longing for air that is drowning has a single focus, a single desire, and a complete surrender of the whole body/mind unto that immediate life event. The individual that is drowning has turned over the whole of their being (immediate existence) to not drowning. The Same kind of intensity must be discovered in your spiritual practice. God/Self Realization calls for the Exact same kind of Intensity and Devotion to the Heart's Call for the Full Revelation of Truth (as each person -fully) as a person drowning seeks air. Truth/God is the One and Only total life encompassing (moment to moment) Reality Event, and It is Inherently the True Steady-State of Existence, and Truth IS ForEver the Context of your living experience. 

'You' Must turn to Truth in All life events, continuously, and the individual Must turn to Truth As the Everlasting Event of one's Eternal Self. Every bit of your living existence Must turn to the Divine Reality of God's Everlasting Heart Realization, the Entire complex of consciousness of the individual Must be handed over to the Divine One, and there cannot be Anything left untouched, and there cannot be Anything left within the Devotee of God that escapes the Light of God. All of 'you' Must turn to God, wholly, completely, without doubt, without what-if, and Free of fear.

God is asking for no less than 100% of you, and there is nothing about you that God will not Transfigure by Its Light and Love, and Bliss-filled Grace. Hold nothing back from God, Give All unto the Divine One, surrender the wholeness of the flesh and mind unto Heart~Fire, and the Time for this Is Now. Religion is not going to do the work for you, adding a few beliefs to your life is pointless, beliefs and dogma can only get you started, beliefs and dogma might help you begin to turn to God, but none of them Fulfill God’s True plan for Total and Absolute whole-bodily Transfiguration. All that you Are must be offered to Truth so that Truth can Live you, and nothing short of Absolute self surrender unto the Divine Identity of Truth is enough."

-Above post is clearly not written by me.  I have posted nothing for so long, but don't think I don't want to!  I am hungry to put pen to paper, pound the keys, devote myself to quietly intense hours of deep meditation (best done in reverse order, most likely), and bring clarity to my soul's desire.

Soon.  The groundwork is nearly laid.  

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Little Grandmother's year end message

My beautiful Tribe of Many Colors,
       At the close of this monumental year here on planet earth, I wish to address you, the children of Mother Earth; those who have chosen to be here at this time. As you know, we stand on the threshold of a great new beginning. It is time to stand together in  strength and love. Time to set aside petty differences and old ways of ego and judgments and make the shift from mind into the heart.
      We all are aware of the negativity and fear that surround the upcoming date of December 21, 2012, but let me remind you that it is us, those living here on the earth at this time, that create our now and our future.  We are the great creators of our lives!  Our thoughts, followed by our emotion, create our reality. So it is for all life that exists.  This is the great law of life. Let us not give our thoughts, feelings and emotions to fear, for this is what we will create. Never before has the entire world’s population been so fixed on a single date surrounded by fear, chaos and destruction. So, ask yourself, what kind of awful monster are we creating?
      It is my heart’s wish that we can all step into our knowing: the knowing that is within, waiting for us to take hold of it and propel us into a brighter future. Let us realize how extraordinary and unique each of us are, and that each and every one of us chose to come here to live at this time. We knew that it wouldn't be easy, but we also knew that we had the strength and love to create a more magnificent way of living.  Remember that we have free will and choice, and each day’s actions create a different tomorrow.  let us fill our hearts with bliss and excitement knowing that it is US, we are the ones that determine our tomorrow and what that will look like!
      This last year has been difficult for many of us.  The amount of energy coming to our planet now exceeds anything we have ever experienced before. Energy and life itself have been sped up!  Many of us are experiencing significant changes in our personal, professional, spiritual and public lives. This is because, as Grandfather Eesawu taught, in the days of great change we will each go through being put into the great sieve and shaken up, letting everything that does not support our highest self and greatest good fall away. Not one of us can escape this.  We each are struggling as our lives are changing. Do not give in to the sorrow of this, but instead be reminded that as we see lovers, partners, friends and family move on, as our jobs are changing and our living situations are being shifted, we are letting go of things that have held us back or kept us from shining our brightest. We must stand in the highest love and light, to venture upon this new life offered to us. Let us not focus on the negative things happening today, but seek out those beautiful and exciting things that are taking place.
      Sadly, our mainstream media does not provide positive and uplifting information, but keeps us in fear and uncertainty. In fact, many beautiful things have taken place in the last several months.  I have been blessed to take part in many of these miraculous things.
      In the last year, I was able to meet  with the beautiful Aboriginal people of Australia who took me to the "nameless place".  After walking a great distance in the woodlands, we came to a large mound of huge stones stacked one on top of another. Following  "Auntie Lila", we soon came to a cavern where, stretched out on all sides of a huge stone, were ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs! There were hundreds, if not thousands, of these hieroglyphs, telling the story of two sons of the pharaoh and their ocean fairing crew, who went to Australia to talk to their brothers and sisters of the Great Mother.  They speak about the star beings that brought knowledge and life. I also saw a chamber that contained an untouched tomb where the Egyptian pharaoh’s son was buried after dying from a fatal bite by a poisonous snake.  This wonderful time spent with the Aboriginal elders was full of amazing information, teachings and prayers, but was also just the beginning of all that I would learn in the coming months about our ancestors.
      It is a mainstream belief that we human beings have been evolving for centuries from mindless, barbaric cavemen, but as we uncover more and more about who our real ancestors are and all that they knew, we begin to see  a completely different picture. In learning more about our ancient ancestors, we start to understand that history is not the evolution of technology, but rather the evolution of thought by the masses, which brings us back to, "thought with great emotion and belief creates your reality".
      It is so thrilling that we have the chance to live during these transformative times, as we are unearthing some of the most history-changing evidence about who we really are and where we came from.  Just as I stood in awe looking at ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs in Australia,  I  again found myself spellbound while exploring in Egypt recently. I spent two weeks within the many different temples and ancient structures, from Cairo to Luxor, through the Nubian Desert, and down the Nile River. Hieroglyphs depicted armored tanks, helicopters and airplanes.  Walls were covered in carvings of fully-functioning light bulbs, the flower of life, surgeries performed with crystals, human bodies with animal heads, and the full depiction of how the process was done.  We saw huge monolithic temples that once were capped with gold and used as conductors of great amounts of energy for the great pharaoh Akhenaten and his family, who were depicted with elongated skulls, low hips and bellies, very long arms and almond shaped eyes.  If you are interested, there are many photos posted on my website from our visit to Egypt.   
     This last year has produced some of the greatest discoveries ever made in human history.  With the aid of Google Earth, more than 17 new temples and 1000 new tombs have been discovered in Egypt, just waiting to be uncovered and their secrets unearthed.  In fact, new temples are being discovered all over the world, including nine in Bosnia, Illinois, Greece, Italy, Sicily, Spain, over 300 in China, Russia and Utah. Temples and ancient civilizations are being found as well, a couple of the most exciting is the pre-Incan Temple found at the bottom of  Lake Titicaca between Bolivia and Peru, and the underwater temples in the eastern China Sea dating back 5000 years older than the Egyptian pyramids. An ancient civilization was also found in South Africa, dating somewhere around 200,000 BC, containing many gold mines and very accurate calendars, using stone circles and maps of the stars. The location of the great library of Alexandria has been discovered, as well as an accurate 4th century map of Antarctica, devoid of ice.
     The Smithsonian has published the findings of several gigantic skeletons from the areas of West Virginia, Toledo, Ohio and Louisiana and Rancho, California, ranging from 7 to 12 feet in height. These giant human remains have also been found in Sweden and Mexico, along with many locations in North America.  In Ireland, an entire mummified man who would have stood over 12 feet tall was discovered in the county of Antrim.
      We once knew the keys to love and life.  Humans knew how to live in harmony with the Great Mother. Our indigenous cultures teach us that many civilizations went inside the earth to live.  This year, an indigenous tribe was found living within great cave systems in the rain forests of South America, where they use crystals for light, for growing their crops and to heal the sick. There is evidence in many of these newly discovered civilizations that crystals were used in one way or another.  Crystal can be found in every ancient pyramid and temple. How is it that now we know so very little about these amazing stones? We are finding that ancient peoples traveled the world all the time.  Just a few months ago, one of the Egyptian mummies was found to have South American cocoa leaves in his intestines. A cave in Illinois was found to hold a library of stone and gold tablets from the first millennium, figurines and drawings of Sobek- Ra, identical to the god in the temples along the Nile River.  It also housed Sumerian artifacts, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Meso American, Hebrew and even Ecuadorian artifacts. With increasing frequency, these discoveries are being made, proving that humans once had a richer knowledge than we thought possible.
      Our indigenous elders have taught for centuries that the mysteries would be revealed to those who inhabit the earth at the time of the great shift, and the knowledge would be given to those who would remember who they were and stand in their hearts again, bringing forward a new age of great wisdom and love. We are those people. We are the Ones we have been waiting for, and we are the Ones who can change the world we live in. Not because we found a few giant’s bones and not because we found Egyptian hieroglyphs in different parts of the world, but because we will once again know the keys to life, just as our ancestors did. We will remember that our thoughts, along with our emotions, create our reality. We do not have to live our lives like a bunch of sheep following the herdsman.  It is time for us to come together, and stop separating ourselves because of our differences. We know that love is the highest vibration on the planet, and that love and light are the source, the source of God and Goddess, the source of all life and creation and that love and light exists within each and every one of us. A new day is dawning on Planet Earth. Time and motion are speeding up, and it is time for human beings to take a giant leap into a new way of being, a new way of living, the way of the heart. Love is the answer, for the more loving we are the more enlightened we become. It is time for us to understand who we are, where we come from, who our ancestors really were and what they were capable of. There truly is no time to waste by being scared or full of fear about the future, but to understand that we create our future.
.We are indeed living in an amazing time on the planet.  We are living in the middle of a pole shift, and in a time when it is said Mother Earth will be renewed, and that human kind will have the chance to make a leap forward in our consciousness.  But this is up to us. We have to stop living in the old ways of mind, ego, fear and unwillingness and start to live from the hearts. Simply put, the more loving you are the more intelligent you become.  As human beings start to shift into the consciousness of love, more and more incredible knowledge will be given to us, and we can move into enlightenment and unity on our planet.
     Energies are very high and will continue to heighten.  It is sometimes difficult to stay grounded and positive when we see so much change around us and in our personal lives, but this is exactly what we must do. Focus on the good and the exciting things about life, and not on the fearful things.  Being in the heart and loving is what will not only make life easier on a daily basis, but it’s what will change the consciousness for us all.  If we are to be reborn along with our planet, we must live from the heart.  The only way to do this is to Be Love.  Do not give in to fear, but instead be excited about this amazing time in which we have the chance to create a better world.  A time when hidden knowledge will be given to the children of earth and we can walk forward together as a family of all shapes and sizes, all colors and backgrounds, into enlightenment.