Saturday, December 3, 2011

Little Grandmother's year end message

My beautiful Tribe of Many Colors,
       At the close of this monumental year here on planet earth, I wish to address you, the children of Mother Earth; those who have chosen to be here at this time. As you know, we stand on the threshold of a great new beginning. It is time to stand together in  strength and love. Time to set aside petty differences and old ways of ego and judgments and make the shift from mind into the heart.
      We all are aware of the negativity and fear that surround the upcoming date of December 21, 2012, but let me remind you that it is us, those living here on the earth at this time, that create our now and our future.  We are the great creators of our lives!  Our thoughts, followed by our emotion, create our reality. So it is for all life that exists.  This is the great law of life. Let us not give our thoughts, feelings and emotions to fear, for this is what we will create. Never before has the entire world’s population been so fixed on a single date surrounded by fear, chaos and destruction. So, ask yourself, what kind of awful monster are we creating?
      It is my heart’s wish that we can all step into our knowing: the knowing that is within, waiting for us to take hold of it and propel us into a brighter future. Let us realize how extraordinary and unique each of us are, and that each and every one of us chose to come here to live at this time. We knew that it wouldn't be easy, but we also knew that we had the strength and love to create a more magnificent way of living.  Remember that we have free will and choice, and each day’s actions create a different tomorrow.  let us fill our hearts with bliss and excitement knowing that it is US, we are the ones that determine our tomorrow and what that will look like!
      This last year has been difficult for many of us.  The amount of energy coming to our planet now exceeds anything we have ever experienced before. Energy and life itself have been sped up!  Many of us are experiencing significant changes in our personal, professional, spiritual and public lives. This is because, as Grandfather Eesawu taught, in the days of great change we will each go through being put into the great sieve and shaken up, letting everything that does not support our highest self and greatest good fall away. Not one of us can escape this.  We each are struggling as our lives are changing. Do not give in to the sorrow of this, but instead be reminded that as we see lovers, partners, friends and family move on, as our jobs are changing and our living situations are being shifted, we are letting go of things that have held us back or kept us from shining our brightest. We must stand in the highest love and light, to venture upon this new life offered to us. Let us not focus on the negative things happening today, but seek out those beautiful and exciting things that are taking place.
      Sadly, our mainstream media does not provide positive and uplifting information, but keeps us in fear and uncertainty. In fact, many beautiful things have taken place in the last several months.  I have been blessed to take part in many of these miraculous things.
      In the last year, I was able to meet  with the beautiful Aboriginal people of Australia who took me to the "nameless place".  After walking a great distance in the woodlands, we came to a large mound of huge stones stacked one on top of another. Following  "Auntie Lila", we soon came to a cavern where, stretched out on all sides of a huge stone, were ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs! There were hundreds, if not thousands, of these hieroglyphs, telling the story of two sons of the pharaoh and their ocean fairing crew, who went to Australia to talk to their brothers and sisters of the Great Mother.  They speak about the star beings that brought knowledge and life. I also saw a chamber that contained an untouched tomb where the Egyptian pharaoh’s son was buried after dying from a fatal bite by a poisonous snake.  This wonderful time spent with the Aboriginal elders was full of amazing information, teachings and prayers, but was also just the beginning of all that I would learn in the coming months about our ancestors.
      It is a mainstream belief that we human beings have been evolving for centuries from mindless, barbaric cavemen, but as we uncover more and more about who our real ancestors are and all that they knew, we begin to see  a completely different picture. In learning more about our ancient ancestors, we start to understand that history is not the evolution of technology, but rather the evolution of thought by the masses, which brings us back to, "thought with great emotion and belief creates your reality".
      It is so thrilling that we have the chance to live during these transformative times, as we are unearthing some of the most history-changing evidence about who we really are and where we came from.  Just as I stood in awe looking at ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs in Australia,  I  again found myself spellbound while exploring in Egypt recently. I spent two weeks within the many different temples and ancient structures, from Cairo to Luxor, through the Nubian Desert, and down the Nile River. Hieroglyphs depicted armored tanks, helicopters and airplanes.  Walls were covered in carvings of fully-functioning light bulbs, the flower of life, surgeries performed with crystals, human bodies with animal heads, and the full depiction of how the process was done.  We saw huge monolithic temples that once were capped with gold and used as conductors of great amounts of energy for the great pharaoh Akhenaten and his family, who were depicted with elongated skulls, low hips and bellies, very long arms and almond shaped eyes.  If you are interested, there are many photos posted on my website from our visit to Egypt.   
     This last year has produced some of the greatest discoveries ever made in human history.  With the aid of Google Earth, more than 17 new temples and 1000 new tombs have been discovered in Egypt, just waiting to be uncovered and their secrets unearthed.  In fact, new temples are being discovered all over the world, including nine in Bosnia, Illinois, Greece, Italy, Sicily, Spain, over 300 in China, Russia and Utah. Temples and ancient civilizations are being found as well, a couple of the most exciting is the pre-Incan Temple found at the bottom of  Lake Titicaca between Bolivia and Peru, and the underwater temples in the eastern China Sea dating back 5000 years older than the Egyptian pyramids. An ancient civilization was also found in South Africa, dating somewhere around 200,000 BC, containing many gold mines and very accurate calendars, using stone circles and maps of the stars. The location of the great library of Alexandria has been discovered, as well as an accurate 4th century map of Antarctica, devoid of ice.
     The Smithsonian has published the findings of several gigantic skeletons from the areas of West Virginia, Toledo, Ohio and Louisiana and Rancho, California, ranging from 7 to 12 feet in height. These giant human remains have also been found in Sweden and Mexico, along with many locations in North America.  In Ireland, an entire mummified man who would have stood over 12 feet tall was discovered in the county of Antrim.
      We once knew the keys to love and life.  Humans knew how to live in harmony with the Great Mother. Our indigenous cultures teach us that many civilizations went inside the earth to live.  This year, an indigenous tribe was found living within great cave systems in the rain forests of South America, where they use crystals for light, for growing their crops and to heal the sick. There is evidence in many of these newly discovered civilizations that crystals were used in one way or another.  Crystal can be found in every ancient pyramid and temple. How is it that now we know so very little about these amazing stones? We are finding that ancient peoples traveled the world all the time.  Just a few months ago, one of the Egyptian mummies was found to have South American cocoa leaves in his intestines. A cave in Illinois was found to hold a library of stone and gold tablets from the first millennium, figurines and drawings of Sobek- Ra, identical to the god in the temples along the Nile River.  It also housed Sumerian artifacts, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Meso American, Hebrew and even Ecuadorian artifacts. With increasing frequency, these discoveries are being made, proving that humans once had a richer knowledge than we thought possible.
      Our indigenous elders have taught for centuries that the mysteries would be revealed to those who inhabit the earth at the time of the great shift, and the knowledge would be given to those who would remember who they were and stand in their hearts again, bringing forward a new age of great wisdom and love. We are those people. We are the Ones we have been waiting for, and we are the Ones who can change the world we live in. Not because we found a few giant’s bones and not because we found Egyptian hieroglyphs in different parts of the world, but because we will once again know the keys to life, just as our ancestors did. We will remember that our thoughts, along with our emotions, create our reality. We do not have to live our lives like a bunch of sheep following the herdsman.  It is time for us to come together, and stop separating ourselves because of our differences. We know that love is the highest vibration on the planet, and that love and light are the source, the source of God and Goddess, the source of all life and creation and that love and light exists within each and every one of us. A new day is dawning on Planet Earth. Time and motion are speeding up, and it is time for human beings to take a giant leap into a new way of being, a new way of living, the way of the heart. Love is the answer, for the more loving we are the more enlightened we become. It is time for us to understand who we are, where we come from, who our ancestors really were and what they were capable of. There truly is no time to waste by being scared or full of fear about the future, but to understand that we create our future.
.We are indeed living in an amazing time on the planet.  We are living in the middle of a pole shift, and in a time when it is said Mother Earth will be renewed, and that human kind will have the chance to make a leap forward in our consciousness.  But this is up to us. We have to stop living in the old ways of mind, ego, fear and unwillingness and start to live from the hearts. Simply put, the more loving you are the more intelligent you become.  As human beings start to shift into the consciousness of love, more and more incredible knowledge will be given to us, and we can move into enlightenment and unity on our planet.
     Energies are very high and will continue to heighten.  It is sometimes difficult to stay grounded and positive when we see so much change around us and in our personal lives, but this is exactly what we must do. Focus on the good and the exciting things about life, and not on the fearful things.  Being in the heart and loving is what will not only make life easier on a daily basis, but it’s what will change the consciousness for us all.  If we are to be reborn along with our planet, we must live from the heart.  The only way to do this is to Be Love.  Do not give in to fear, but instead be excited about this amazing time in which we have the chance to create a better world.  A time when hidden knowledge will be given to the children of earth and we can walk forward together as a family of all shapes and sizes, all colors and backgrounds, into enlightenment.

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