Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Life on New Earth
I wanted to return to the Starship, but then I realized that what I want to do is not as important as what I came to do. I came to be among the Ones who came to assist in creating New Earth. And exactly how do we create New Earth? I don’t know. The Arcturians say I don’t know because we haven’t created it yet. On the other hand, I am aware that there is a Cosmic Plan that has been in place from before time that includes not only our small planet but much of this quadrant of space.
I also know that we entered the reality of physical Earth to learn about free will. The fulfillment of why we chose to log in to a reality is what allows us to log out of a reality. In this particular reality of third dimensional Earth, we entered to experience the intense separation of an extremely polarized reality. Thus, the fulfillment of the polarization and separation can only occur by returning to our total Unity of the ONE.
Therefore, I am pretty sure that in order to consciously engage in the stellar event of personal/planetary ascension, we must do it as ONE Being. I doubt that it is so easy as waking up one morning and all our habits of competition, comparison, individuality and fear-based thoughts and emotions are instantly dissolved from our consciousness. If I am wrong, and we do suddenly awaken to a totally new reality, I willingly accept that reality!  However, we are not just this life. Therefore, the transition may be more complex.
We chose to take a body on this planet within this NOW of planetary ascension. We have practised this ascension event for myriad incarnations, and now the Dress Rehearsals are over. It is Show Time!  Can we remember our part and the role we chose to play?  Now, I have to weave my part of the tapestry of Ascension and somehow connect it to the ONE of New Earth.
With all my and years of “work” to find the Truth, all I know is what I don’t know.  I don’t know how to cross that invisible border into New Earth. I don’t know how to surrender to that which I can’t perceive. Therefore, I will have to resort to my imagination again. My dear imagination, the thing that made me look crazy and kept me sane. I am stepping into the great UNKNOWN, knowing that I am already there. Maybe, if I start with already being on New Earth, I can remember/create how I got there. Yes, I do KNOW that I am already on New Earth. In fact, I am confident that I have never left it.
 I am willing to enter into this unknown and to share my journey with as many as are interested. I hope that I can blaze a trail that answers our many unasked questions. However, that is not important. What I give or receive from this journey is of no consequence as I journey into the Oneness of We.

Therefore, I will see us in New Earth…

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