Monday, October 6, 2008


I see a theme developing. Two movies I watched recently are "Into the Wild" and "Motorcycle Diaries". Both about people who thirsted for adventure. I identify with them. For them, and for me, it's about more than wanting excitement. I think its about a deep desire to find meaning. Why are we here? What is our purpose? Sitting in our room, surrounded by the familiar and comfortable, our mind becomes lazy and dull. Being thrust into unfamiliar places and challenging situations stimulates us to see everything in new ways. Coming into the lives of people in distant places and feeling the connection opens our minds to understand what really matters.
Lucy has made the unconventional choice to leave middle school. Her unconventional mama supports her decision. My girls and I- we three- are all quite unattached right now. This is a window of opportunity. We haven't traveled enough. We want to travel. Who's to say we shouldn't? What a silly question. No one! Our lives are what we make them. I don't know yet what or where or how, but I feel the stirrings. There's always a way to do what matters most.

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