Monday, November 17, 2008

the Sparrow

The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell is an incredible novel. Vivid, engaging and powerful.

"Father Emilio Sandoz is the only survivor of a Jesuit mission to the planet of Rakhat, 'a soul...looking for God.' We first meet him in Italy...sullen and bitter...But he was not always this way, as we learn through flashbacks that tell the story of the ill-fated trip....The Sparrow tackles a difficult subject with grace and intelligence." -San Francisco Chronicle

"Smooth storytelling and gorgeous characterization...Important novels leave deep cracks in our beliefs, or prejudices, and our blinders. The Sparrow is one of them." -Entertainment Weekly

It took me a while to get through this meaty book. I took it with me to appointments, etc, eager for the intriguing plot snatches. It was interesting how the book would catch people's eye, recognition, and a knowing nod of approval.

We love what we can identify with the best in ourselves. Emilio was pure and beautiful, inside and out. His faith was transcendent in a harsh world. He suffered the worst imaginable pain and humiliation, was then judged and scorned by his people, endured a long, bitter hell of his soul, yet survived; was able to go on and still believe. Inspiring.

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